Indonesia - World Food Programme (2022-2025)
Review of and Feasibility study assessment for small area estimation of indicators of poverty and malnutrition in Indonesia.

South Sudan - World Food Programme (2018-2019)
Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring System (FSNMS). Re-design and analysis of national sample survey.

New Zealand - Centre for Public Health Research (2015-2023)
1 Environmental Health Providing statistical research advice.
2 Workplace influences on cardiovascular disease Statistician for NZ Medical Research Council project.
Nepal - World Food Programme (2017)
NeKSAP Household Food Security and Child Nutrition Monitoring Survey.
Nepal - World Food Programme (2015-2016)
Advice and sample survey design and analysis following the 2015 earthquakes.

Pushpa Shrestha, Kurt Burja, Steve Sridhar Thapa, Man Kshetri.
Bangladesh - World Food Programme (2011-2015)
Small area estimation of child undernutrition in Bangladesh.
Nepal - World Food Programme (2010-2015)
Small area estimation of indicators of food poverty, undernutrition and health in Nepal.

Steve, Shanta, Anusha and Krishna Pahari, Geoff Jones.
Pakistan - World Food Programme (2012)
Feasibility study for small area estimation of indicators of poverty, food poverty, and undernutrition in Pakistan.
Cambodia - World Food Programme (2011-2013)
Feasibility study for small area estimation of indicators of poverty and malnutrition in Cambodia.

Nepal - World Food Programme (2011- 2012)
NeKSAP Household Food Security and Child Nutrition Monitoring Survey: 2012 Questionnaire Re-design, Survey Re-design, Estimation, and Calibration with 2010 NLSS-III.
Download report.
Philippines - World Bank (2004)
Developing statistical models for small area estimation of expenditure poverty (including poverty incidence, gap and severity), and for poverty maps on a fine scale, using Philippines survey and census data. The method uses survey-based models to make predictions using census data using models containing variables that occur in both survey and census, followed by aggregation to small area level and the mapping of results.
